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Last Thoughts of the day!

28 Mar


24 years and counting!!!!

(2) Is it me or should Kim Kardashian shelve her Botox for at least another couple of years. She’s spending this lovely Saturday night at the Alicia Keys concert and she just posted the twit-pic below and girlfriend looks like her face has been pulled in every direction and blow-dried to stay that way. Kim, just say no!

(3) Everyone keeps talking about turning lights off for Earth Hour (especially the West Coast) – to observe or not to observe??? I can turn the lights off but we’re not doing anything drastic like shutting down laptops here are we?

(4) I’m going to have to try this chat-roulette thing. People are going crazy for it. Fingers crossed I don’t get stuck with Wilder Valderama! For some reason, everyone seems to be getting him

(5) If you haven’t seen on my facebook earlier, I posted a scene-by-scene explanation of Lady Gaga’s telephone video that really explains the genius of it. I don’t know about you but when I first saw it, I thought it was weird and pretty much an epic fail. But, NOOOWWWW, I love it. Check out the explanations below:

(6) Health Reform just passed! Whether you’re for it or against it “The Hill” newspaper has been littered with stories about it – Senators that were allegedly threatened, lots of he-said, she-saids, and Obama’s key moments through the process. So, if you have no idea what is happening with Health Reform, want to Bitch disagreements at your computer screen, or just need a little refresher course in current events, go to “Thehill” (link below):

(7) Best wishes go out to Dennis Hopper. He bravely came out to accept his star on the Hollywood walk of fame even though he’s frail and weak from battling Pancreatic Cancer. It’s so sad, you can se in the video below how thin he’s gotten and how clearly weak he is. Keeeeep fighting!!!!! Don’t give up and congratulations!

(8) Follow me on twitter!!!!

Who didn’t see this one coming?

28 Mar
yeah, cause that’s the face of prince charming!

2005. Sure, may have been a year that meant different things to different people. Someone probably got promoted, demoted, expelled, evicted, stalked, married, pregnant, divorced. Hey, Joe Shmoe down the street may have finally gotten his wife to suck his dick. Regardless, for many of those that worship on the sides of tinsel town’s golden paved roads it was the year in which the dialogue went something like this:

“What the fuck is Sandra Bullok thinking marrying that dirty repairman guy for? What’s his name? Right, Jesse James! From that garage show thing right? So, what the fuck?” While I’m definitely not the first, and certainly won’t be the last, allow me to be among the many to slightly cringe my mouth in pity, shrug my shoulders, sigh and tell Sandra Bullock, “I told you so.”

“But he seemed so nice!” That’s what everyone said once Sandy covered up his tattoos (which now we find out may or may not have been all the rage circa 1944’s Nazi Chancellery) and stuffed him into a penguin suit. He played his part – smiled while she posed in dresses worth more than his life insurance, pretended he was worth our time, and kept all extramarital affairs away from the paparazzi. What’s not to love? Hey, that’s more than most celebrities are willing to compromise – I’m looking at you Tiger!

Maybe it’s the Oscar curse? Sandra had an amazing 2009 and topped it off with the idolized golden statue. And, if all goes according to past precedent, isn’t that exactly when the shit’s suppose to hit the fan? Right Reese Witherspoon? Right Kate Winslet? Technically, she’s right on track!

But who is this tattooed harlet that stole Sandra’s man? Besides her affinity for Nazi memorabilia, what do we really know about her? Well, her dad described (as he famewhored himself out on national television) her as a nice girl, totally in the right. Apparently she was told that Jesse James was estranged from Sandra and she was his real legitimate woman. Wow. Really? Because no celebrity equipped with a penis has ever thought of that one?

My favorite part about all of this…well, it’s a two-parter:

(1) Ever hear the expression where there is smoke there is fire? Jesse James has. Apparently, where there is one whore there is also a Nazi connection, rape charges, sexual assault, KKK and skinhead tendencies, conartistry, and, well, more whores. Pretty soon we’re going to find out it was actually him that killed Michael Jackson and was one of Tiger’s mistresses!

(2) probably one month ago, whenever any E! news, extra, or ET news reels ran on the now mildly important Jesse James and/or James-Bullock relationship they ran images of him in a suit, smiling, and giving good face to the public. Now, look him up on any entertainment news outlet. They’ve got him in dirty overalls, scowling expressions, and menacing glares. I guess we know whose side they’re on!

In all actuality, it all sucks! And Sandra Bullock has rightly got all of America on her side. I wish her the best of luck in sorting through everything and hope that, assuming everything is true, she gets herself out of that marriage! On the Brightside – rest easy everyone, there was a prenup!’