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Why must celebrities insist on trying to go the genuine relationship route?

6 May

So for those of you that aren’t caught up…about a week ago Tito Ortiz was arrested on charges of domestic abuse, filed by Jenna Jameson. He alleged he had reacted to her being on oxycotin and doing drugs again. She alleged, first, that he didn’t hurt her, then that he was a dirty wife beater, and finally that it was all just a misunderstanding.

Because Jenna felt that we all were VERY concerned about her and needed the full story from her point of view, she sold told that full story to UsWeekly magazine. In it, Jenna regails us with the following:

He came over near the bed and he whispered to me… ‘I hope it feels good to be high… I found your pills.’ I didn’t even really know what to say, it caught me by surprise and then I noticed he was packing his things and then I started to panic. I got up out of bed and I said, ‘I’m not on drugs, baby, I promise you. I swear to you on everything that I have,’ and he didn’t believe me.

[…] I said, ‘Let’s go to the store, I’ll get a drug test and we’ll do it… Please don’t leave me.’ He was like, ‘It’s done, it’s over,’ and, as he said that, he moved past me and grabbed my arm and pushed me aside, and, by doing that, I fell against the edge of the bathtub. It did a bit of damage – I just bruised pretty bad from it (sic).

After reading that, you realize it basically boils down to the fact that while both parties were speaking it seems neither was actually listening to each other. He would say things, she’d ignore it. She would say things, he would ignore it. All the while both were poised and ready to overreact. Obviously, the mature thing to do wouldnt be to just sit and talk about it. Both parties seem more concerned with making a scene then making amends.

Again, why do celebrities insist on making babies, relationships, and marriages when they can’t even make grown up conversation that could avoid all the drama, difficulties, and ‘misunderstandings’ they go through???


 *Note: this issue of UsWeekly magazines will be on stands next week, for those interested in the full story

June Covers

6 May

Just released is Katy Perry’s June 2010 Lucky magazine cover.

Still a little too photoshopped for my taste but she looks adorable : )


6 May

Happy Birthday to the love of my life: George Clooney!

Well Said..

5 May

So, Kim Kardashian’s exhusband (yeah she was married to a douche in 2000 who emotionally and physically abused her…hence the divorce) is broke and owes over 100,000 dollars backpay for his apartment. To try to make some of that up, he’s sold a false asshole inspired story to InTouch magazine about Kim being a bitch, fame craving, backstabbing liar….all of which is likely false…

About her he writes the following things:

On Kim’s talent:
“She can’t write or sing or dance, so she does harmful things in order to validate herself in the media. That’s a fame-whore to me. It’s just not cool at all.”

On her relationship with family:
“Kim is obsessed with fame. She’s jealous and competitive with her sisters. She says they’re “best friends and very supportive of one another but “jealousy is a big thing.” She’ll “do whatever it takes” to get ahead.

On Kim’s abuse allegations:
“It’s just absolutely not true.” She said that to get “a lot of money” and cheated on him with “multiple guys.”

On funding her boob job, liposuction and shopping sprees:
“She wanted to have that lifestyle. She wanted to be what she ultimately became. I saw my wife with another man, wearing the clothes that we had just bought after her lipo. It was not something as a husband you ever wanted to see.”

There are a million reasons and ways he is a liar that I could get into, but I’m too much of a lady too point out (I wouldnt want to use the profanities I’d have to in order to talk about him)

BUT, Kim took to her twitter with an opinion I much share:

KimKardashian I usually say, Jealousy is a disease…. Get well soon! LOL kind of like die slow better! RT @NICKIMINAJ Jealousy is a disease. Die Slow

Maybe she’s born with it, maybe its photoshop

5 May

Khloe Kardashian has been toting an upcoming appearance by her and her sister Kim (TOMORROW, for those interested in seeing them). She put the following ad up on her website:

There are sooooo many things that could be said here:

1.) So, I’m forced to assume that the picture on the add is not a ‘taken-from-life’ photograph, and instead a cartoon, or carnival mirror type caricature of the Kardashian sisters?? That would be the only understandable reason why Khloe and Kim look like theyre wannabe-barbie proportions have been spray painted with colors meant to look like suffocatingly skintight dresses.

Who are you kidding Khloe, you have NEVER been that skinny. You weren’t even born that skinny! Now, I’m not hating here..I’ve seen legitimate candid pictures of these two (and we’ve all seen some candid Kim in particular) and they’re both beautiful, well proportioned girls that have inspired a good amount of wet dreams…but, Quicktrim if you want to seem credible as a supplement and business then you might want to advertise your endorsers in a believable size.

2.) CV-freaking-S?!??! Now, you guys are not exactly A list in-demand type people but even I would say you’re better than CVS. Should we blame this on quicktrim? Do they have you visiting random CVS’ on some quicktrim tour? If so, this is SOOO  WRONG. I get that you’d want to reach out to the little people. And, being a little person myself, I appreciate it. But even you, as reality famewhores, are of higher caliber than some obscure CVS.

3.) And who knew botox was a feature of photoshop?

Love Love Love Love Love!!!

5 May

As many know, I am obsessed with Beyonce. She can do no wrong in my eyes.

Despite this bias, I can unbiasly say that this video is FAAABBOOOOOOSHHH!

Standing O!

Just to set the record straight:

12 Apr

1. No, Elizabeth Taylor is not getting married (for the 9th time). Rumors that she is going to wed her long time assitant are FALSE! I guess after 8 times she’s learned her lesson.

2. Finally! Conan O’Brien has a home! Everyone stop talking about him finally lol! He’s going to TBS. The end!

3. Mario Lopez is one step closer to gay…his new addiciton? Motocross racing? Poker? Cigars? noooo! His new obsession is the Real Housewives series! Personally I think that goes nicedly with his perfectly waxed eyebrows, coiffed hair, and perpetually glossy body.

4. Shout out to Eva Longoria and Demi Moore who are down in Haiti helping out. Come on people – give give give!!

One of the camps at Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

5. I guess being single gives a man A LOT of free time because Jim Carey has been going crazy on his twitter page saying the most random things and mocking everyone, including even Elin Woods (as if this girl hasnt been through enough lol). Among the random ramblings of this over-acting man:

“…so I killed him,I do not plan 2 bow to expectations or to be confined by the fear of losing altitude in the ‘statusphere’! (my word)—-> “

Out of the Closet

29 Mar


He posted the following on his website today:

“A few months ago I decided to write my memoirs, a project I knew was going to bring me closer to an amazing turning point in my life. From the moment I wrote the first phrase I was sure the book was the tool that was going to help me free myself from things I was carrying within me for a long time. Things that were too heavy for me to keep inside. Writing this account of my life, I got very close to my truth. And this is something worth celebrating.

For many years, there has been only one place where I am in touch with my emotions fearlessly and that’s the stage. Being on stage fills my soul in many ways, almost completely. It’s my vice. The music, the lights and the roar of the audience are elements that make me feel capable of anything. This rush of adrenaline is incredibly addictive. I don’t ever want to stop feeling these emotions. But it is serenity that brings me to where I’m at right now. An amazing emotional place of comprehension, reflection and enlightenment. At this moment I’m feeling the same freedom I usually feel only on stage, without a doubt, I need to share.

Many people told me: “Ricky it’s not important”, “it’s not worth it”, “all the years you’ve worked and everything you’ve built will collapse”, “many people in the world are not ready to accept your truth, your reality, your nature”. Because all this advice came from people who I love dearly, I decided to move on with my life not sharing with the world my entire truth. Allowing myself to be seduced by fear and insecurity became a self-fulfilling prophecy of sabotage. Today I take full responsibility for my decisions and my actions.

If someone asked me today, “Ricky, what are you afraid of?” I would answer “the blood that runs through the streets of countries at war…child slavery, terrorism…the cynicism of some people in positions of power, the misinterpretation of faith.” But fear of my truth? Not at all! On the contrary, It fills me with strength and courage. This is just what I need especially now that I am the father of two beautiful boys that are so full of light and who with their outlook teach me new things every day. To keep living as I did up until today would be to indirectly diminish the glow that my kids where born with. Enough is enough. This has to change. This was not supposed to happen 5 or 10 years ago, it is supposed to happen now. Today is my day, this is my time, and this is my moment.

These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn’t even know existed.

What will happen from now on? It doesn’t matter. I can only focus on what’s happening to me in this moment. The word “happiness” takes on a new meaning for me as of today. It has been a very intense process. Every word that I write in this letter is born out of love, acceptance, detachment and real contentment. Writing this is a solid step towards my inner peace and vital part of my evolution.

I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.


Congrats to Ricky!

: )


29 Mar

Pink was in the city of brotherly love all weekend with family… anyone get to see her downtown?

Who didn’t see this one coming?

28 Mar
yeah, cause that’s the face of prince charming!

2005. Sure, may have been a year that meant different things to different people. Someone probably got promoted, demoted, expelled, evicted, stalked, married, pregnant, divorced. Hey, Joe Shmoe down the street may have finally gotten his wife to suck his dick. Regardless, for many of those that worship on the sides of tinsel town’s golden paved roads it was the year in which the dialogue went something like this:

“What the fuck is Sandra Bullok thinking marrying that dirty repairman guy for? What’s his name? Right, Jesse James! From that garage show thing right? So, what the fuck?” While I’m definitely not the first, and certainly won’t be the last, allow me to be among the many to slightly cringe my mouth in pity, shrug my shoulders, sigh and tell Sandra Bullock, “I told you so.”

“But he seemed so nice!” That’s what everyone said once Sandy covered up his tattoos (which now we find out may or may not have been all the rage circa 1944’s Nazi Chancellery) and stuffed him into a penguin suit. He played his part – smiled while she posed in dresses worth more than his life insurance, pretended he was worth our time, and kept all extramarital affairs away from the paparazzi. What’s not to love? Hey, that’s more than most celebrities are willing to compromise – I’m looking at you Tiger!

Maybe it’s the Oscar curse? Sandra had an amazing 2009 and topped it off with the idolized golden statue. And, if all goes according to past precedent, isn’t that exactly when the shit’s suppose to hit the fan? Right Reese Witherspoon? Right Kate Winslet? Technically, she’s right on track!

But who is this tattooed harlet that stole Sandra’s man? Besides her affinity for Nazi memorabilia, what do we really know about her? Well, her dad described (as he famewhored himself out on national television) her as a nice girl, totally in the right. Apparently she was told that Jesse James was estranged from Sandra and she was his real legitimate woman. Wow. Really? Because no celebrity equipped with a penis has ever thought of that one?

My favorite part about all of this…well, it’s a two-parter:

(1) Ever hear the expression where there is smoke there is fire? Jesse James has. Apparently, where there is one whore there is also a Nazi connection, rape charges, sexual assault, KKK and skinhead tendencies, conartistry, and, well, more whores. Pretty soon we’re going to find out it was actually him that killed Michael Jackson and was one of Tiger’s mistresses!

(2) probably one month ago, whenever any E! news, extra, or ET news reels ran on the now mildly important Jesse James and/or James-Bullock relationship they ran images of him in a suit, smiling, and giving good face to the public. Now, look him up on any entertainment news outlet. They’ve got him in dirty overalls, scowling expressions, and menacing glares. I guess we know whose side they’re on!

In all actuality, it all sucks! And Sandra Bullock has rightly got all of America on her side. I wish her the best of luck in sorting through everything and hope that, assuming everything is true, she gets herself out of that marriage! On the Brightside – rest easy everyone, there was a prenup!’