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Warning to Heidi Montag…

6 May

Here is a lesson to you Heidi…bigger is not always better. Sometimes, its even lethal…

This woman from Peru was forced to bedrest for six months because her SIZE N!! boobs rendered  her immobile. She was recently diagnosed with suffering from Bilateral Gynescomastia–an illness that keeps the mammary glands growing during puberty or after pregnancy. Apparentally, after birthing her third child her breasts just kept getting bigger, literally EVERY DAY. The woman herself said “I couldn’t move because my boobs and belly were the same size,” she told reporters. “My breasts became so huge my skin had sores and I had trouble breathing.”

Medically, if left untreated, Bilateral Gynescomastia could be fatal: basically, if left untreated, the weight of the breasts could eventually squash her lungs and kill her. Luckily, doctors were able to perform a reduction …. one that likely saved her life.