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Maybe she’s born with it, maybe its photoshop

5 May

Khloe Kardashian has been toting an upcoming appearance by her and her sister Kim (TOMORROW, for those interested in seeing them). She put the following ad up on her website:

There are sooooo many things that could be said here:

1.) So, I’m forced to assume that the picture on the add is not a ‘taken-from-life’ photograph, and instead a cartoon, or carnival mirror type caricature of the Kardashian sisters?? That would be the only understandable reason why Khloe and Kim look like theyre wannabe-barbie proportions have been spray painted with colors meant to look like suffocatingly skintight dresses.

Who are you kidding Khloe, you have NEVER been that skinny. You weren’t even born that skinny! Now, I’m not hating here..I’ve seen legitimate candid pictures of these two (and we’ve all seen some candid Kim in particular) and they’re both beautiful, well proportioned girls that have inspired a good amount of wet dreams…but, Quicktrim if you want to seem credible as a supplement and business then you might want to advertise your endorsers in a believable size.

2.) CV-freaking-S?!??! Now, you guys are not exactly A list in-demand type people but even I would say you’re better than CVS. Should we blame this on quicktrim? Do they have you visiting random CVS’ on some quicktrim tour? If so, this is SOOO  WRONG. I get that you’d want to reach out to the little people. And, being a little person myself, I appreciate it. But even you, as reality famewhores, are of higher caliber than some obscure CVS.

3.) And who knew botox was a feature of photoshop?